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"Your offerings have supported an embodied way of connecting to God when I couldn't quite figure out how to make a daily practice. Growing up Roman Catholic, I learned early on that God was to be feared. Mostly everything about my religious background made me turn away from God.


Through working inside of your programs, I was able to simply return to the TRUTH of God and develop a daily relationship where my outer life began to shift as well. I began feeling more safe and supported than I remember. (As a single self supporting woman my entire life, this was huge). I KNOW in my soul that this is the MOST IMPORTANT work to be doing at these times especially. Uniting with God and allowing God to lead is THE WAY. Thank you Christina for honoring this journey with your sacred teachings. They are life changing!"










- Allison Pagano, Owner of Embodied Dance







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- Svenja Strohmeier, Human Design, Polarity & Tantra Mentor


"Connecting with God the Father helped heal my wound with the masculine and has brought me a sense of protection, love and safety that I have never experienced before in my life. There is no other feeling like it, it is truly blissful and every woman deserves to know what this feels like. I no longer feel abandoned and alone, as I can connect with God at any time. Receiving help and provision from men for the first time in my life has been both beautiful and uncomfortable, and by working with Christina, we cleared resistance, past traumas and grief that I was holding onto.


My magnetism continues to grow and I feel more and more at ease in being my feminine self. I feel safe and see my relationship with men in all capacities in a new light. I have seen myself attract a different kind of attention from men and am been treated more respectfully. Something has shifted and I am embodying a new frequency being in alignment with my true self. 


I no longer feel desperate or feel that I need to fix myself, manifest or chase what I desire. I feel relaxed and open to receiving my union when it is divinely guided... The looping cycles have stopped and I am now in preparation for my beloved. I feel like I am on a new timeline and I will wait to give my devotion away to the right person. Christina helped to clear away any resistance to receiving God’s love and it now flows freely."


- 3 month mentorship client

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